The Spotlight Blog! - Selected Back Issues

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Info Guru Success Story

I am lucky to be part of an extremely generous and giving group of professionals as part of my Info Guru Membership.

So many times, when I've had a perplexing problem or I've encountered a barrier along my business journey, all I've had to do was ask for assistance and WHAMMO, like a bolts of lightening, these Info Gurus thrust real, workable solutions in my direction.

The solutions come from folks who must have a collective millennia of business experience.

Today, another solution presented itself in this same manner.

I was tinkering with my website..well. tinker isn't really the right word. I guess "complete overhaul" is the phrase that comes closer to expressing my actual desires.

I tested a new design and, out-of-the-blue another Info Guru, this time it was Eileen Parzek or, was there to assist me in my HTML pity party.

Eileen is a web designer in New York with a gift for cutting straight to the point and in about fifteen minutes, she fed me the needed information like a mother bird nurturing her young.

OK, that's bit heavy on metaphor, but you get the point.

I asked and I spades.

Another source if help came from half-way across the globe; Down-Unda in Australia.

Trisha Cupra of and also rode to the rescue even in the face of personal illness. Now that's going the extra mile.

Carolyn Potts of http://www.virtualphotorep.comwas also very helpful in a couple of areas. She offered phone consultation on a Sunday!

And this isn't the first time I've been so lucky. Other members, Ike Krieger of and was gracious online as well as on the phone. Sean DeSouza of and has also been helpful in certain areas.

I hope all who read this entry find a group like the Info Guru bunch.

If you'd like to be a part of this dynamic, growing, success-oriented group, shoot me a comment or an email. We'd love to have you with us!

