The Spotlight Blog! - Selected Back Issues

Thursday, June 09, 2005

The Road Less Traveled

Saying goodbye to those you've grown to care for is a difficult thing.

I recall leaving the employment of a national company a few years back where I'd made many friends. Each promised they would keep in touch and drop me an email once in a while. Four years later I can count on one hand the number that return my email.

I guess that some of this is to be expected. After all, we all have our lives to lead, loved ones to care for, and career to which we attend.

Moving on is about moving on. Right?

Anyway, tomorrow will be one of those days for me. This time only a single year has passed but I feel closer to many of my coworkers now than I ever have before.

Justin will be coming with me to the office on my last day. He gets such a kick out of seeing what the world-of-work is really like. To a nine year-old, going with Dad to the office is like going to Disneyland.

Come to think of it, when I leave Disneyland I feel a bit nostalgic.

Perhaps it is a good thing that I leave with this feeling. Perhaps it means that these special connections will be retained instead of permanently severed.

I hope so. Well, I guess I'll see you all later.

Thanks to each of you for your contributions to my life.

Peace. Barry