The Spotlight Blog! - Selected Back Issues

Monday, July 18, 2005


It's been said that gratitude is the currency of Life. I don't mean life with the small "l" but rather Life with the capital "L."

Small "l" ife is that part of our existence that we see, touch, smell, experience, and account for each day we are alive. It is explainable. We can see it in the cause and effect relationships that fill our days.

Capital "L"ife is that portion of our existence that is unseen, nonsensate, and yet we experience this aspect of living every day as well. It isn't something we can't point to, label, categorize, or stratify. But, still, it is real.

What I've come to believe is that gratitude and the way we interact with it makes "L"ife more tangible.

Rev. Ellen Grace O'Brian, spiritual author and speaker, puts it this way:
"When we commit ourselves to serving Life--not our personal, individual needs and wants, but to serving Life Itself--Life will lead and support us."

The first level of gratitude. Most of us were taught to be thankful for what we receive. And for most, this is where our reltaionship with gratitude stays. But what if there were additional levels of gratitude? What would it be like if, by interacting at higher levels of gratitude, ourlives were elevated to higher planes of reality, possibly into the realm of the miraculous?

Is it possible that there is another layer?

The second level of gratitude is expressing gratitude for the good even when it is difficult to see. For example, when I became a single parent a few years ago, life was difficult. Add to the already emotionally charged mix an extended period of unemployment and you can see how difficult it was to see the good in any part of that situation. And yet I knew, throughout the initial battle with depression, extended joint-therapy with my young son, and the often stressful court appearances that were required, that there was some unidentified, unknown element that was intended for my greater good.
Although I didn't believe it one-hundred percent, but instinctively I knew it had to be true. Believing this eventually opened my life to greater accomplishment, terrific new people with whom I associate, and a greater sense of compassion for those around me.
And I'm convinced that there is yet another layer for us to discover.

The third level of gratitude is where miracles take place. It is where gratitude exists as part of our character. It isn't dependent on the good we receive or the gratitude associated with the hidden good within the bad.
Instead, it is a daily interaction with "L"ife to the extent that those around us associate something almost supernatural with our presence.

I know a few people like this. You probably do too. I know that when I'm around them, the quality of my life is elevated. I feel better; I am better. And this much I know; I want to be like them.

At this point in my Life journey, I'm not the authority on how to get there. But I'm willing to walk the path to find out. When I find it, I'll share it here.

For now, Peace.
