The Spotlight Blog! - Selected Back Issues

Monday, August 08, 2005

August Update

I've been busy. That's a good thing.

I've been busy reinventing, choosing gratitude, and getting ready for school to begin.

I take part in four email forums on a regular basis. One is focused on solo business marketing, another is for experienced commercial writers, one is for beginiing commercial writers, and the fourth is more metaphysical for nourishment of my soul.

Each of these forums play a part in the evolution of my business and business identity.

As a result, I've tweaked my business from straight copywriting, to a communications consulting practice that offers clients (small businesses and independent professionals like myself) a triad of services aimed at promoting greater visibility for their business.

Each of the services involves what I do best: Writing.

For instance, the first service I offer is a copy review and revision of all of their business copy. This allows my copywriting skills to benefit the client by making sure that every word in their business marketing collection packs the greatest possible punch. Secondly, I offer to ghostwrite a series of publicity feature articles about their business, coporate officers, etc. One publicity feature I wrote a few years back gained my client $500,000 in revenue in just two-weeks. Finally, I offer a ghostwriting service aimed at company owners and CEOs whose career would benefit from having having published a book. This service can be altered to writing an eBook to give away, or perhaps an online course.

Though I'm finding that these changes alter how I percieve myself, it is a change I welcome.

Choosing Gratitude
As I nurture my soul amidst the hustle and bustle of business, I find that I often return to the theme of gratitude. I've done so in a publishing format by initiating a separate blog call "Gratitude Cubed." You can find it here: I will be asking various people I know and some I meet online to contribute to this medium. Perhaps a web site will eventually emerge?

When I choose to be grateful, I am choosing to be optimistic, pleasant, joyful, and openly accepting what the universe has for me. Gratitude is the high-speed connection with the creative power of the universe. I feel it daily...when I choose to. I must say that sometimes I get depressed (not in the clinical sense) or slightly down and inadvertently shut down that connection.

When I recognize this, I can immedatly become quiet and restore the gratitude and the connection is restablished once again.

My tagline on the G3 blog sums it up nicely: Cube Your Gratitude & Watch What Happens!

School's In...Almost
Justin begins fourth grade on August 29. He's somewhat hesitant about it. He realizes that he will be using ink (I can see the stained clothes now), writing book reports, and learning the state capitols.

Gee, what will it be like to work for six uninterrupted hours?

